Wow, spur of the moment fireworks buyers, are they price shoppers? Fireworks, Deal or No Deals?
Impulsive buyers on seasonal one time items usually don't do the math on what they are purchasing if it really is the best buy for their money. They browse the fireworks store and basically buy the attractive label on the product in the category which fits what they think they can get the most for their money. So is it a "Deal or No Deal"? Online shoppers basically do the same thing. They look at the price, put the item in cart, see the shipping cost and close out the window. But, was it a "Deal or No Deal"? When store shopping we see all these 2 for 1 signs, or Buy 1 Get 1 Free. Are they a "Deal or No Deal"? Usually if one would do the math, most of these marketing claims are gimmicks to make one think you are getting something for nothing. Well, we all know better than that. Perfect example: Buy One Get One, 500 gram fireworks cake, Price 85.00, after the math the real cost per item 42.50. Online the same item is pay 120.00 and get 4 of those same 500 gram cakes. Cost now is 30.00 each, so we add in the shipping cost of our fireworks order and now with all the shipping included, we are at 37.50 per item. Recently we visited a well known fireworks store with the villain as the mascot, went into the artillery shells section and noticed the #1 selling fireworks artillery shells were list priced at $199.00 for one 24 count box. Was it a deal? How much did we really save or did we just pay triple the price if we would have bought them online? If we would have made the same purchase online, the cost per item figures out to be far less and we saved 6-8% sales tax on our total purchase. Never spent a dime on fuel or travel cost. Depending on how deep we go into the math and how many more bangs we can get when you, depends on how savey a shopper you become, how big of a show you want for your money and what you're willing or able to spend.

Shopping for fireworks in an online store can clearly have it advantages. Last minute shoppers buying fireworks online will find the inventory from warehouse suppliers will have been depleted of the top selling items. Warehouse suppliers do not overstock inventory or have left over from years past. So when your enjoying your 4th of July fireworks presentation and all of a sudden one of those Buy 1 Get 1 Free items is a dud, first question would be is, how long has the item been in the retailers warehouse and then how long did it sit on the self. To make the best of any fireworks show, there are some simple rules of the road. Buy low shot high. Do not store fireworks for long periods of time. Fireworks are the best when they were recently manufactured. Overtime, like anything that is ignitible, it looses its potency. Ordering from a warehouse direct seller will get you a better show consistently by delivering fresh high quality products. Fireworks can be very dangerous and over time become unstable. Quality fireworks can for quality suppliers. Wise shoppers will find the best fireworks deals online and shop as early as possible. Find all the top selling fireworks online at great prices delivered to your door in most locations @ www.